Tuesday, December 6, 2016

District 10 Invite

SAPD COP Classes for 2017, all classes will be at the Northeast Substation on Jones-Malsburger

2017 SAPD Northeast substation C.O.P. classes

Northeast substation Citizens on Patrol classes are 1-time, 4-hr classes.  Please bring a photo ID when attending.  All necessary applications will be filled out at the beginning of each class and photos will be taken for a complimentary COP ID card.  For any questions, please contact Officer Dave McDonald at 210-207-6086.

      Date                   Day                   Time                           Location of class

January 7th          Saturday       9:00am-1:00pm             13030 Jones-Maltsberger

February 6th        Monday          6:00pm-10:00pm           13030 Jones-Maltsberger

March 11th           Saturday       9:00am-1:00pm             13030 Jones-Maltsberger

April 3rd               Monday          6:00pm-10:00pm           13030 Jones-Maltsberger
May 6th                 Saturday       9:00am-1:00pm             13030 Jones-Maltsberger

June                     reserved for out-of-cycle classes               TBD

July                     reserved for out-of-cycle classes               TBD

August                 reserved for out-of-cycle classes               TBD

September 9th       Saturday       9:00am-1:00pm             13030 Jones-Maltsberger

October 2nd          Monday          6:00pm-10:00pm           13030 Jones-Maltsberger

November 4th        Saturday       9:00am-1:00pm             13030 Jones-Maltsberger

December             no classes scheduled

Please call or email with name and phone # to confirm attendance.

Officer Dave McDonald #0216
13030 Jones-Maltsberger
Office: 210-207-6086

District 10 Invite

City Councilman Mike Gallagher, 1635 NE Loop 410, Suite 510, San Antonio, TX 78209

Sent by district10@sanantonio.gov in collaboration with